Mobile Web Browsing To Increase 24% In 2011
2 Nov 2011, 7:33 a.m.
We've been looking hard at some data, and discovered some exciting news: from the start to end of 2011, the number of Americans accessing the mobile web will increase a predicted 23.6%, from 86.6 million to 98.5 million. At this rate of growth, by January 2014, over 63% of US mobile subscribers will be using the web on their phones.
This has many exciting implications for North American businesses, bringing real challenges, but also real opportunities. Your web presence is a business asset: potent especially for marketing and lead generation. And mobile is effectively a new channel for it to work through, reaching new prospects and clients.
What can you do to prepare? The most important bit is to start thinking about your mobile strategy now. If your company already has an extensive web presence, a good option is "whole-site mobilization". This process systematically optimizes all pages on an existing website for a wide range of smartphones, creating a mobile website from your existing web presence. This allows the mobile site to benefit from search traffic as well: mobile search has grown four-fold in the past year.
About The Analysis
The analysis is based on public comScore data of mobile market share and usage patterns, and assumes a conservative, simple linear growth pattern.